Avocado Toast

Avocado Toast

A work of edible art. 

Welcome Old Man Winter

Welcome Old Man Winter

Cozy vibes and cozy coffees. We're totally fine with it.

Check It Out

Check It Out

EEEK! Tote bags are here!

We're loving these tote bags, and they're the perfect size to pick up some vinyl records ;) Come check out what we've got in our retail section!

DAMN GOOD Cookies Gluten Free

DAMN GOOD Cookies Gluten Free

We've added our Gluten Free Damn Good Cookies and Energy Bites to our online ordering Menu :) 



Yes! We do catering! We offer sandwiches and soups, pastries, coffee and teas! Gluten Free options available. Fill out a few bits from our online catering form and we'll go from there :)

The Lucky Bean Cafe

The Lucky Bean Cafe

Simple. Local. Fun.

Giving Montague a hangout hub to enjoy PEI roasted coffee and a locally sourced menu. 

Hours of Operation

8:00 - 5:00 



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